In the files management section you can upload files for your group that you can share with members through the member portal.

When you navigate to the files tab you will see the list of files that you have uploaded to your account.

The columns in the table are
Name: The friendly name for the file
Type: The file mime type
URL: The url to access the file
Shared: true means it is shared with members
You can upload a file by clicking “Upload File”

Just drag and drop files into the box, the files will be immediately uploaded and appear in the table.
To share or rename a file click on the view icon (eye) of the file you are interested in and a file attribute editing dialog will appear

Set the name to a meaningful name. If you want to share the file with your group members through the member portal just toggle the “Shared” switch to the right and green.
To remove a file select the checkbox in the row for the file and click the trash can icon that appears above the table.