Schedules are a way to manage works schedules for events. The Schedules app is available to logins with the “Schedule Manager” permission.

When the schedules app initially load it will display the list of current schedules. A schedule consists of a descriptive name and a color for reference.

To create a schedule click on the “Add schedule” button above the table on the right side.
Enter a descriptive name and a color. You can use valid hex color values or html color names. Google html colors for more information. Click “Save” when finished.
This will add a new schedule to the list of schedules. Click on a schedule to edit a schedule and add shifts.

All schedules need to have shifts. To manage shifts you need to go into the schedule details by click on the row for a schedule (not the checkbox in the leftmost column). In right side pane of the schedule details you will see the list of shifts for the schedule.
To Add a shift click on the “Add shift” button above the table on the right.

In the shift dialog you will specify the quantity of shifts to create, the date of the shifts, the start hour and start minute, and duration of the shifts. Click “Save” when you are finished.
To edit a shift click on the row for the shift (not the checkbox in the leftmost column) and the shift dialog will open with the shift details. To delete a shift select the checkbox in the leftmost column of the shift you want to delete and a trash can icon will appear above the table on the right side. Click the trash can icon to delete the shift.
Workers need to be defined in order to assign workers to shifts. To manage workers go to the schedules app and select the “Workers” tab.

The list of workers contains the worker information. To create a worker click on the “Add worker” button above the table to the right

In the worker dialog you can specify the worker name, contact information, and shirt size. Click “Save” and the worker will be added to your list of workers.
To edit a worker click on the row for a worker (not the checkbox in the leftmost column) and the worker dialog will open with the worker information. To delete a worker select the checkbox in the leftmost column of the worker you want to delete and a trash can icon will appear above the table on the right side. Click the trash can icon to delete the worker.