Campaigns are the way you send emails to your members. In order to create a campaign you first need to have an email template created for the campaign to use. See the Email Templates knowledge doc on creating an email template.

Campaigns are managed in the marketing tab. When you first navigate to the Marketing tab you will see the list of current campaigns. The default columns that are displayed are:
Name: the name of the campaign
Status: the campaign status
Active: If the campaign is active or not
Audience: What audience the campaign is for
Create: the date the campaign was created
Delivery Date: When the campaign is to be processed
Delete: the date the campaign was deleted on
To create a new campaign click on the “Create” button. This will cause a default campaign to be created with a deliver date of 1 week from the day the campaign was created.
To Edit a campaign click on the campaign row (not the checkbox). This will open the campaign details view.

From here you can name the campaign to something meaningful to you, set the email template for the campaign, make the campain active/inactive, set the email address for the campaign audit email (a list of all the email addresses the email is sent to), what audience to use
All: All members
Active: Only active members
Expired: Only expired members
Expiring Soon: Only members whose membership expires in the next month
Newsletter: Only emails who have “Email Newsletter” enabled in member settings
Tagged: Only member with matching tags (tags set in tags section below)
Tags is where you can set tags for this campaign. Setting the audience to tagged and specifying which tags here will cause the campaign to only be set to member who have the specified tag(s)
Deliver Date is the date you want the campaign to be executed. Setting it to the current date will cause the campaign to be run the next time campaigns are processed (every 15 minutes)
Status is the campaigns current status.
In the middle pane you will see a graph, this will show how many member have opened the email in the last 7 days.