
Campaigns are the way you send emails to your members. In order to create a campaign you first need to have an email template created for the campaign to use. See the Email Templates knowledge doc on creating an email template.

The Marketing tab

Campaigns are managed in the marketing tab. When you first navigate to the Marketing tab you will see the list of current campaigns. The default columns that are displayed are:
Name: the name of the campaign
Status: the campaign status
Active: If the campaign is active or not
Audience: What audience the campaign is for
Create: the date the campaign was created
Delivery Date: When the campaign is to be processed
Delete: the date the campaign was deleted on

To create a new campaign click on the “Create” button. This will cause a default campaign to be created with a deliver date of 1 week from the day the campaign was created.

To Edit a campaign click on the campaign row (not the checkbox). This will open the campaign details view.

The campaign details view

From here you can name the campaign to something meaningful to you, set the email template for the campaign, make the campain active/inactive, set the email address for the campaign audit email (a list of all the email addresses the email is sent to), what audience to use
All: All members
Active: Only active members
Expired: Only expired members
Expiring Soon: Only members whose membership expires in the next month
Newsletter: Only emails who have “Email Newsletter” enabled in member settings
Tagged: Only member with matching tags (tags set in tags section below)

Tags is where you can set tags for this campaign. Setting the audience to tagged and specifying which tags here will cause the campaign to only be set to member who have the specified tag(s)

Deliver Date is the date you want the campaign to be executed. Setting it to the current date will cause the campaign to be run the next time campaigns are processed (every 15 minutes)

Status is the campaigns current status.

In the middle pane you will see a graph, this will show how many member have opened the email in the last 7 days.


If your group schedules activities for your member to attend then you will want to use the activities to create them for your members to view in the member portal


When the activities loads it will display the activities you have created for the current month. Use the pagination control at the bottom of the table to change the month/year activities view.

The month/year pagination

To edit an activity just click the row (not the checkbox) for the activity. If you want to add a new activity click on the “Create” button

New Activity

Activities appear in the member portal.

Member Types

Member types are very important and are foundational to your group. You MUST have at least one member type for the system to use. By default your account will have a default member type that is free. If you do not have free member types (all members pay some sort of dues) than you need to create the member types that you do have.

Member types are managed in the members area, click on the Member Types icon

Member types list/view
  • Member types have the following attributes
  • Label: the name of the member type
  • Price: the annual cost of the member type
  • Can Purchase: if the member type can be purchased by the public
  • Can add Portal logins: all member with this type can add additional child members through the member portal
  • Anniversary Type: if the member type renews on an anniversary date
  • Anniversary Date: the date the anniversary membership renews on

To create a new member type (rare: usually done when setting up account) click on the Add member type button

New member type dialog

Enter a name, description, and price for the membership. If your group allows members to purchase this membership type, turn on (green and to the right) the toggle for “Can be Purchased”. Member types that have “Can be Purchased” enabled will appear as selections in the sign up section of the member portal.

Note: an example of a member type that cannot be purchased (comp, free, board member, etc...)

The “Members can add others” setting, when enabled, will allow the member to access a settings section where they can add and remove additional logins to the member portal. These additional logins are considered to be “child” logins and not full memberships. It is up to you and your group if you want to allow members with this membership type to be able to perform this function.

Annual Renewal

The types of memberships your group offers is very important here. If your group has everyones anniversary/expiration date on the same day every year, then you want to turn on (green and to the right) the toggle for “Annual renewal” AND select the month/day of that renewal.

New Member Rules

New member rules only applies to new members joining the club from the member portal. A new member rule is used to apply an extension (in months) or price adjustment to a membership if they renew after a certain date. The example above would be for memberships that all renew on January 1, but if anyone joins the club after August 20 they would get an additional 12 months added to their membership because they are joining late in the year.

If you use new member rules, you need to define 1 rule for every month.

This is an example of a rule setup that tells the system that anyone who joins AFTER August 20 will have an extension of 12 months added to their membership, members that join before August 20 will not. All members that join in August will pay $20.

It is strongly recommended that you do not remove a member type once it is used by multiple members. Doing so will cause problems for any members that are associated with the member type. Instead try to edit existing member types if you need to make changes.

Managing Tags

Tags are a way to group members together by something they have in common. For example in a car club you might have multiple members that are interested in a specific type/brand of car, you can create a tag with that brand name (ie Tesla) and assign that tag to each member that is interested in that.

Tags can later be used to send targeted communications, mailings, etc…

To view tags click on the “Tags” tab in the Members area.

The Tags tab/view

The list of tags will contain the tag text and the count of how many members the tag is associated with. To create a new Tag click on the create button.

Note: You can also create tags in the member details view

You can search the tags by the tag text.

In the member details view

In the member details view is where you add/remove tags from members. In order to do this go to your members list, find the member you are interested in adding a tag to or removing a tag from, and click on that members row (not the check box on the left).

In the member detail scroll down to the “Tags” section or click “Tags” on the left to jump to that section.

The Tags section of the members detail

Just click on the tag in the pill shaped bubble to associate that tag with the member. A check mark will appear by the tag. Click again to dis-associate the tag. Click the “Save member” button to save the changes.

If you want to add a new tag click on the “+Add tag” above the dialog to open the Add tag dialog

The add tag dialog

In the text field at the top of the dialog type in some of the text of the label of the tag you want to associate and click the “Save tag” button when done.

Remember to click the “Save member” button save the tag changes to the member.

Managing a Member Record

One of the most common activities is to manage a members record. Fortunately this is really easy to do. Start out by find the members record that you want to manage. After you have found the members record click on the line in the table (not the checkbox) to switch to the member details view.

The member record details view

You will immediately notice that the view has three panes. The first is related to the members demographic information. This should be fairly self explanatory. In the phone numbers section you can specify multiple phone numbers for the member.

The middle pane can be used to view the members preferences, as configured in there member portal, any notes you create, the member cannot see these notes, the ability to send an email directly to the member, place a call or send a text, and also create a list of tasks for tracking, again these are not viewable by the member.

The right hand pane has settings that are related to the membership, including tags, which you create and manage, member type, again you manage the member types, the members expiration date, newsletter preferences, and if you want to block communication from the member.

Make sure to always save your changes.

Searching for Members

You can search for members by any of the following member details
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Member Number

To search, simply enter in one of the above pieces of information that you want to search for in the search field above the table of members and type the enter key.

Searching for members

When the search is complete the table will be updated with only the member records that match your search criteria. Click the ‘X’ to the right of the search to clear the search and get all the members.

You can also filter your member list by changing the filter option to the right of the search. When you click on the filter a dialog box will appear with all the options that you can filter your member records by.

Member records filter options

The currently selected filter will be in bold. Click on any other filter option to change the filter that is being used, the system will fetch member records that match this filter, and will incorporate any search criteria that is set.

You can also sort the member records that are returned by the system by clicking on the sort option. You can sort by first name, last name, and member id.

Quick Start Guide

When you log in to your account for the first time there are some steps you should take depending on how you plan to use the system. First and foremost will be to setup all your member types and members.

Setting up Member Types

While in the membership app, click on the Member Types tab

The Member Types tab

You will see a default member type in this list. We recommend that you do not remove it but rename it to what you want your default member types to be names, as well as the rest of the setup for the default member type

The default Member Type

You can read the Member Types article on how to add and manage member types.

Importing Members

Getting your current membership into the system is critical to success. The easiest and best way to do this is to import them from a CSV file. You can read the Importing Members from CSV article on how to do this. Let us know if you need help with this step, we are here to help and do this all the time.

Adding a Logo

If you have a logo for your group that you want to have use in your email communications, you will need to first upload that logo. You can do this in the Files app, it does not need to be a shared file in order to use it in your emails.

Setting up emails

You can create email templates that are used when certain events occur, we call these “triggers”. In order to do this go to Emails and follow the instructions for create great looking emails for your group.

Getting Help

We all need help from time to time and we are here to help you. Your success is our success and we really want you to succeed. If you ever hit a snag and need some assistance please email us at and we will get back to you ASAP. In order to get answers quickly, please include the details of what you are having an issue with and screenshots.

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