On August 20th the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club, along with the Benna Ford car dealership in Superior Wisconsin, hosted the Power on Tower car show. This was a one day car show from 5 – 7:30pm. The Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club made the decision to use Middletwin for managing their membership and events, and this was their first event that they ran using Middletwin.

Setting up the event in Middletwin was simple, there were 18 classes that needed to be created, pre-registration was setup with a few clicks, and then just setting up dates, details, and uploading the images. We also helped with setting up a nice response email template, so everyone who pre-registered for the show would get an email confirming their registration.
Next came a date change, a few days before the original scheduled show date of August 15th the weather predictions showed severe storms would be in the area on the 15th, so the decision was made to move the event to the 20th. For the Middletwin system, this just meant changing the dates in the shows setup, and creating a nice email template and sending the email to those who had already pre-registered, informing them of the date change.
On the day of the event, Wade Girard, owner and creator of Middletwin traveled to Superior and brought 3 Chromebooks with full size keyboards and mice, as well as a printer to use to print dashcards for the cars as they registered. The Chromebooks were used for volunteers to manually enter in each participant’s registration, and after they were entered a dashboard would be printed for them to put in their car. There were about a dozen cars pre-registered and 106 cars total at the show, so around 95 cars were manually input into Middletwin during the show. One way to encourage pre-registration is to raise the day of show registration cast by $5, motivating participants to save $5 by registering ahead.
As a side note, If your club uses Middletwin and Wade is available, Wade would come to your event, with equipment, and help setup and train volunteers on how to use Middletwin live, at your event. Just ask.
Next came balloting/voting. The club decided to use the new mobile balloting feature within Middletwin. The way it works as that the club can create one time use ballots within Middletwin (see Digital Voting Made easy) and hand them out to each participant. The club also had some manual ballots as a backup in case anyone did not have a smartphone or was having issues using the ballot. At last years show, tallying 100+ ballots at the end of the show took the longest, and participants are stuck waiting around to find out who won in the various classes, however this year was much different. Using the mobile ballots the votes were captured immediately, in fact the club was able to go into the system and see the results of the ballots being captured in real time. About 6 hand written ballots were turned in, that’s 6 out of 106, and with Middletwin they were entered in manually, taking only about 3 minutes, then the results were printed out in a nice easy to understand format, allowing the club and dealership to know the winners within a few minutes, not hours.
With Middletwin, the results are presented by class, showing the top 10 cars to receive votes, ordered by vote count, and the car details and names of the participants all in the results. This allowed the awards to be handed out easily, knowing who got each award as opposed to just announcing a number, and the show was all wrapped up within a half hour.
This was a charity car show, and 100% of the proceeds, as well as some matching funds, went to the Soldiers and Sailors relief fund in Douglas County and the MN Assistance Council for Veterans in St. Louis County. Middletwin is very proud of our veterans and happy to have had the opportunity to be at this show with the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club and Benna Ford to raise money for our veterans.
Setup a time for a demo and see why Middletwin is the right fit for your car club.