Daily Archives

September 3, 2024

Case Study

Case Study: Power on Tower Muscle Car Show

The Power on Tower Muscle car show is an all makes and models charity car show in Superior Wisconsin and is hosted at the Benna Ford car dealership on Tower avenue and run by the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club.

The annual car show was held on August 20 2024 (originally planned for August 15th but changed due to weather). Participants were encouraged to pre-register by the Benna Ford dealership and the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club through online posts that included a QR code that took participants directly to the pre-registration page. Pre-registration was low due to the car shows date change.

The show was setup with a total of 18 classes based on car year and weather it was modified or not.

On the day of the show a total of 106 cars showed up and registered for the car show. The show was held from 5-7:30 and all car registrations were entered in manually by volunteers using 3 computers, and custom dash cards were printed out for each participant by a volunteer immediately after the participants were entered into the system.

Participant voting was handled using Middletwins new mobile voting process. This worked extremely well even with participants who initially considered themselves to not be technically savvy enough to figure it out. Because of how well this worked, only 6 ballots had to be manually entered, and when 7:30 came the Twin Ports Mustang and Fords club was able to print out the voting results. It only took a few minutes to add in special awards and the awards ceremony started right away.

Because this is a charity car show the Benna Ford dealership and the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club were able to raise, and match, a very generous donation for the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund in Douglas County and the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans in St. Louis County.

Find out how Middletwin can help your car club, sign up for a demo today

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